The OLD online giving program is being phased out for a new, easier donation system. Please review the donor options below. Thank you for your generosity!
If you have any questions or need assistance,
please call the office at 858-748-5348 x203.
New Online Donors
If you are new to donating online, please click the "Donate" tab above to start giving today.
Current Online Donors
"I am unsure whether or not I have already transitioned from the Old to the New Online Giving Program."
- Call the parish office at 858-748-5348 x203 to help access your account.
"I have already transitioned from the OLD System to the NEW system."
- Click the "Donate" tab above to sign into your existing account.
"I still have to transition from the old program to the NEW program."
- Click the "Transition Instructions" button below for steps to complete the transition. The old program can be accessed by clicking the "Old Online Giving Program" button below, and the new program can be accessed by clicking the "Donate" tab above.