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"Steubenville was the first time I found a virtuous community of people my age who shared the same love of Christ and the sacraments." - Maggie

You have a place in the Church. This won't be the same without you. 

One of the most exciting opportunities as a Catholic teen during the summer is the chance to attend a Steubenville Youth Conference. These weekends happen in cities throughout the country and gather thousands of young people together. Passionate speakers, powerful worship, and deep prayer all provide moments of encounter with Christ. Before we have this kind of encounter, we do not know what we are missing. Attending a conference for the first time can take some trust and courage, but you never go alone! All teens from freshmen entering 9th grade this fall, through seniors who are graduating this spring are invited to join us for an unforgettable trip to Steubenville West in Tuscon, AZ! 


Register by April 7, 2023! 

Contact Kierstin with any questions!
(858) 435-0753

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