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Mass Intentions

We will be limiting the number of Mass intention requests to five Mass intention requests per family.  

At each Mass, the priest asks that the grace of that Mass be applied to a specific need or intention.  These special intentions are offered to God as prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.  In and through the Eucharist, we pray for the deceased, for those who are ill, for those who face various difficulties or challenges.  Often, people request a Mass in thanksgiving for God's grace helping them through a particular challenging time of life.  It is important to note that, while the graces of the Mass are infinite, a priest may accept only one intention at a single Mass.  The faithful may bring their own intentions to the Mass, which they each carry privately and place upon the altar spiritually in prayer.

Each week, the Mass intentions for that week are printed in the parish bulletin and the names are read during the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.

Mass intentions fill up very quickly.  Please check the calendar below to see what upcoming dates are available.  You may fill out a Mass request form to request an available date for your Mass intention.  The parish office will then confirm your request by phone or email and send you a link to pay the appropriate donation (Monday - Friday Masses: $10, Saturday & Sunday Masses: $25).  Once the donation for your Mass intention has been received, your intention will be booked and added to the calendar below.  Please note that individual Mass intention requests are no longer being accepted for Easter Vigil, Easter, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses.

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Would you like a Mass card for one of your Mass intentions?  This is a beautiful way to let a loved one know you are praying for them.  If your intention request has been approved and appears on the calendar above, feel free to stop by the Parish Office for a Mass intention card.

Retablo Vigil Lights

In case you cannot have your loved one remembered as a Mass intention, you can always have their name embossed on the Retablos near the main altar.  Our side Retablos have special slots for personal intentions beneath each Vigil Light.  This is a great way to memorialize a loved one or someone in special need of prayer.  Every week a special Mass (Mass Pro Populo) is said by the pastor remembering the names listed on the side Retablos.

The donation amount for adding a loved ones name to the side Retablo is:

$100 for 1 month

$1,000 for 1 year


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Please contact the Parish Office at or 858-748-5348 if you would like to have your name or the name of a loved one added beneath a Vigil Light.  Proceeds will go to the benefit of St. Gabriel Church and the parish community (your donation is tax deductible).


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